A Source of Water Can Be… A Source of Health.  

A Source of Water Can Be… A Source of Hygiene.  

A Source of Water Can Be… A Source of Beauty.

An Innovative Source of Water Technology…   Since 2000, The Global Kangen Force has been a source of innovative water technology. It is meant to transform mere tap water into hydrogen-rich drinking water. It is to bliss human beings for:   Better health Better hygiene Better beauty care Better pet care Better cleaning And a lot of good things to make life better than ever.   Our open invitations to result-oriented & independent distributors to participate in our direct sales system, which is aiming to hit global consumers soon.  

Awesome! One Machine and Five Types of Water!

Icon: Icon: Icon: Icon: Icon:
Hygiene Water Beauty Water Health Water Drinking-Water Cleaning Water
Strong Acidic Water Mild Acidic Water Neutral Water Mild Basic Water Strong Basic Water
pH≈2.7 pH≈4-6 pH≈7 pH≈8.5-9.5 pH≈11

Cleaning Water

Get strong alkaline water from the Global Kangen Force. Yes, it’s not for drinking but extremely useful in cleaning:

Kangen Force Cleaning Water is an excellent way of cleaning your utensils. Just a mild touch of detergents becomes enough to shine your utensils.You need to use less amount of water and make a good saving on the water bill.Quick and clear rinsing of detergent that leaves no traces at all on the surface of your dishes or other utensils.      

    Kangen Force Cleaning Water lets you remove mild to deep stains without leaving traces of scratches.   Strong alkaline pH nullifies acidic stains quickly and dissolves alkaline stains easily.So, it lets you remove stains of tea, coffee, sauces, and edible oils in no time. Not only that but you can remove strong stains of the tap water bowl and even toilet bowl with ease using the Global Kangen Force water.  

Kangen Force Cleaning Water’s dissolving capacity helps you in washing clothes and raw foods/fruits.   Most dust and dirt easily dissolve in a strongly alkaline environment/medium. It’s the reason detergents are creating alkaline pH.With Kangen yielded water you can achieve a strong alkaline milieu in your washing machine or while hand washing clothes and raw foodstuffs like fruits and vegetables.      

    Kangen Force Cleaning Water is heat-conducting capabilities that help you prepare foods fast and make them tasty.   Strong alkaline pH increases the electric & heat-conducting capacity of the Kangen water.It means your water can reach the boiling point quickly and consumes less power or fuel during food preparation.  


Get mild alkaline water from the Global Kangen Force. Yes, you can drink it, as well as it’s healthy for cooking foods and drinks. What is the most prominent thing about this drinking water is: it’s reduced in electrolytic properties and rich in dissolved hydrogen ions.

Thus, it helps in the restoration of the higher alkaline state in body cells and fluids. It ultimately results in optimal health benefits.

Kangen Force Gives the Superior Quality Drinking Water Most tap water analyses proved it the polluted water with odor and not good in taste.Kangen Force gives you odor-free, pleasant in taste, and sweet in flavor water worth drinking.Consistent water flavor and taste throughout the day.      

    Its mineral-rich composition consumes fewer salts.   its alkaline minerals make the Kangen Force water ideal for food preparation for right from vegetables to meat and fish.Pre-boiling food in Kangen drinking water you will need less salt and condiments.  

Kangen Force Drinking Water yields excellent drinks. The Kangen Water has super extracting abilities. It means you can get the most out of your tea and coffee while preparing your hot/cold drinks.What you will have is sumptuous color, mesmerizing aroma, and excellent flavor, all with Kangen Force Water.      

    Kangen Drinking Water in making soups and stews.   Kangen water is used to draw out the flavor of various foods & spices’ ingredients.It means the food doesn’t demand prolonged seasoning.Moreover, it saves you from using excessive salts.So, it makes soups and stews testy.  

Kangen Force Drinking Water in nourishing plants. The Kangen Water can trigger rapid germination and enhance seedling development in plants too.You can nourish your kitchen or backyard garden with it and get the best results without any additional costs!      

Health Water

Neutral Kangen Force Water is passing through various filters including physical and ultraviolet filters. Thus, it looks like rust and cloudiness-free clean crystal water. It is the choice of water when your health is concerned.

    Kangen Health Water is like medicated water.   With neutral pH, Kangen Water is a kind of medicinal water, as it’s free of chlorine, Florine, and other chemical contamination. It’s also free from amoeba, viruses, and bacteria like germs.

Kangen Force Health Water in preparation of baby food. Due to its neutral pH, it’s an ideal choice for the preparation of various baby foods that requires water.It is good for taking medicines, preparing baby or adult juices, and other medicinal purposes.    

Beauty Water

Slight acidic Kangen Force Water gives an astringent effect. It’s not for drinking. People who care beauty and shining of their skins are using it explicitly.

    Kangen Beauty Water for face wash.   With slight acidic pH, you can enhance the tone of your skin and bring firmness to it. Pat the skin with water splash and leave it dry and see the difference! Beauty water is good as a toner and in saving for men.

Kangen Force Beauty Water for hair care. Save a lot of spending on hair conditioners and shampoos. You can spray water on your hair before going out.The Kangen Water decreases the number of tangles and gives your hair a radiant shine that is so natural that you can’t imagine!    

    Kangen Beauty Water for pet care.   Your pets are living creatures like you so you can treat their skins and hairs like yours.Spray beauty water on the fur of your pets and let it dry. You will find it soft and shiny.

Kangen Force Beauty Water for polishing. You can enhance the beauty of your spaces with beautiful water.You can polish mirrors, glasses, eyeglasses, window and door glasses, and other glass utensils using beauty water.    

    Kangen Beauty Water for cleaning important spaces & objects.   Your kitchen countertop, tabletops, and cabinet tops will look crisp and clean after applying beauty water.You can clean your floor and tiles with beautiful water.

Kangen Force Beauty Water for frozen food. You can preserve the flavor and tone of frozen food with Kangen beauty water.Spray water before freezing the food like seafood, meat, and other vegetables or fruits.You can treat the frozen food the same way as thawing out.    

Hygiene Water

Strong acidic Kangen Force Water offers cleaning properties. It’s not for drinking at all.

    Kangen Hygiene Water for killing germs.   With strong acidic pH, you can kill germs in your kitchen and dining areas by spraying it or sweeping with the cleaning water.Kitchen cloths, dish towels, knives, and cutting boards are objects that need constant cleaning, and Kangen cleaning water makes it easy.

Kangen Force Hygiene Water for hygienic care. Save yourself from various contamination including dirty hands, legs, and the entire body using hygiene water.Wash your toothbrush and similar hygiene-related objects with hygiene water.    

    Kangen Hygiene Water for commercial application.   Professional places like restaurants, hotels, hair & beauty shops, spas, and hospitals can get benefits from hygiene water.It’ll save their spending on commercial cleaning products simply using Kangen hygiene water.

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